CDA Sunday – Pulpit Talk - October 20, 2024

Nov 5, 2024

Good morning! I am Paula Foret, Regent of Court Blessed Mother Teresa. Today
is National Catholic Daughter’s Sunday. Our court is here today to celebrate the
mass for our Catholic Daughters -worldwide- with the parishioners of Our Lady of
Perpetual Help Church. Thank you, Fr. Savoie, for allowing this talk.

Catholic Daughters is the largest organization of Catholic women – 63,000 in the
United States. Our motto is Unity and Charity, and our foundation is Spirituality
and Service. We meet monthly on the second Monday of each month (except June
and July) at 5:30 pm in the Life Center of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church.

What do Catholic Daughters Do?

Here are some of our yearly activities:
- Say a Pro-Life Rosary at the Grotto in New Iberia each first Saturday for
unborn babies and maintain the altar and prayer intentions each month.
- A rosary is led by Catholic Daughters before each 4:30 mass
- Pray rosaries for funerals when asked.
- Attend a mass together monthly.
- Pro-Life Baby Bottle Campaign
- Help the CCD classes by sponsoring a Saints Fest in October
- Keep a Prayer List to pray for those in our CDA families and parish in need
- Winter Clothing Drive for Disch-DeClouet Service Center.
- Fall Food Drive for St. Francis Diner and the Homeless Shelter.
- Sponsor WRAP (White Ribbons Against Pornography) awareness with
announcements and flyers in the bulletin.
- Donate over $6,000 annually to local and national needs – Project Rainbow,
Seminary Fund, Disaster Relief, Council on the Aging, CDA Kid, and debt
reduction for our parish.
- Prepare a St. Joseph Altar each March
- Do a Shrimp Boil fundraiser and Bake Sale to support our court’s needs.
- Celebrate Priest’s Appreciation – giving money to our priest and deacon and
all retired priests
- Hand out prayer cards to all mothers on Mother’s Day
- Sponsor a Prayer Breakfast with speakers

In the words of Jesus in Luke 3:10, The crowds asked Jesus, what they should do
to “produce good fruit as evidence of repentance”. He answered, “Whoever has
two cloaks should share with a person who has none. And whoever has food should
do likewise.” Our goal of service is to listen to the words of Jesus by providing
food and clothing for those in need. You too, can answer Jesus’ call by giving food
and clothing. We need your help and generosity. I want to announce our two new
projects. We will be collecting food for the St. Francis Diner, by handing out
grocery bags in November. The filled bags are to be returned the following two
weeks at the masses. In addition, we ask that you clean out your closets and
provide winter clothing and blankets for the Disch-Declouet Social Service

Center, who serve the poorest in our community. A Winter Clothing Drive will be
held in December. More information and reminders will be found in the bulletin
and in the announcements.

We want to involve you, our fellow parishioners, to fulfill all our responsibilities to
the less fortunate. As you are aware we have just sponsored the Baby Bottle
Campaign to assist the Unexpected Pregnancy Center. Our parish collected
$3,564.36. last month. We thank you for your generosity.

In closing, I will ask for your prayers and support of CDA’s projects at Our Lady
of Perpetual Help Church. We want to be humble servants like Saint Mother
Teresa, our patron, to provide service and care to our community.

Sing – “Who am I to make a difference, who am I to change the world. How can I
help so many. I am so little, my gifts so small. Then I heard Jesus say, Come to
me, bring what you have. The gifts you bring, I’ll bless on high. The gifts you
bring I’ll multiply.”

God bless you and your families. Thank you for your attention and support.