What Do Catholic Daughters Do?
It is the largest organization of Catholic women – 63,000 in the U.S.
- It was founded in 1903
- Our motto is Unity and Charity
- Our Foundation is Spirituality and Service
- Local courts are run by elected officers: regent, vice-regent, recording
secretary, financial secretary and treasurer
- All courts are registered nationally and abide by the Order, a set of
standards and operational rules
Our local court is Court Blessed Mother Teresa #2550. We meet monthly on
the second Monday of each month (except June and July) at 5:30 pm in the Life
Center of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 1303 St. Jude St., New Iberia,
Here are some of our yearly activities:
- Say a Pro-Life Rosary at the Grotto in New Iberia each first Saturday at
10:00 for unborn babies, and maintain the altar and intentions collected at
the prayer Grotto for the month.
- Also, before each 4:00 mass on Saturday a rosary is led by Catholic
- Pray rosaries for funerals when asked.
- Attend a mass together monthly.
- Pro-Life Baby Bottle Campaign to raise money for the local Unplanned
Pregnancy Center is held at church for one month.
- Baby items are collected at a baby shower held at a meeting.
- Help the CCD classes by sponsoring a Saints Fest in October where
students dress as their favorite saint and play games.
- Furnish a Pizza Party for the older CCD classes.
- Keep a Prayer List of those in our CDA families and parish in need of
- Sponsor a parish-wide Winter Clothing Drive for Disch-DeClouet Service
- Sponsor a Food Drive for St. Francis Diner and the Homeless Shelter.
- Sponsor WRAP (White Ribbons Against Pornography) awareness with
announcements and flyers in the bulletin.
- Donate over $5,000 annually to local and national needs annually – Project
Rainbow, Seminary Fund, Disaster Relief, Council on the Aging, CDA Kid (to
name some).
- Prepare a St. Joseph Altar each March for use in the church parish.
- Do a Shrimp Boil fundraiser to support our court’s needs.
- Have a bake sale to support our court’s needs.
- For Priest’s Appreciation we attend a mass at Consolata and give money to
all retired priests and religious who live there, as well as our pastors and
- Hand out prayer cards to all mothers on Mother’s Day as well as coffee and
- Sponsor a Prayer Breakfast with speakers. This year’s theme was “Feeding
My Family with the Need for Prayer: practical ways to infuse prayer into
busy schedules”.
- Enjoy a Christmas Party at a local restaurant.
For more information contact:
Our Lady of Perpetual Help office 337-365-5481
Paula Foret, Regent
Denise Mestayer, Recording Secretary